GRIT – Grounded Resilient Inspired Tenacious

Thoughts about grit, grounding, resilience, inspiration and tenacity by Dr. Shouka from ChiroActive Therapy in Tustin, Calfornia
Mo Shouka DC, QME

“Grit bridges the gap from where you are and where you want to be.”

Let’s get Grounded

Do you have grit? What is grit? If you look at the word GRIT as an acronym you can say grounded, resilient, inspired and tenacious. First of all the foundation to grit is being grounded. Being grounded provides a strong foundation thatΒ  can be relied upon and has to be based in some sort of logic and common sense. As a result of a strong foundation strong roots can burrow deep into the earth and produce a towering tree of knowledge. You have to have a strong base knowledge to tap into. You can build higher after you establish a strong foundation.

How resilient are you?

Do you break under pressure or do you bend like the reed? Are you able to spring up after you have been pressed down? You have to be able to bounce back and persevere no matter what the challenge or obstacle is. Another important component of grit is resilience. To be resilient means that you always keep on pressing and keep coming back. To be resilient means that you’re not a quitter and you continue to search for options and solutions.

What is your Passion?

To have grit, you must have inspiration. It sure is helpful have some kind of “Guiding Light” to direct and motivate you. Take time to recognize where true north is for you. Have a vision of where you’re going with some clear set goals. Be passionate about your goals and get excited to accomplish them. This is what it means to be inspired. Try and relate to other people that have attained similar goals that you would like to accomplish. Learn and pick up subtle attributes from these people. You will learn more and become adept at the skills that you need to get to your goals by surrounding yourself with people that have accomplished similar goals.

It takes Grit! So Stick to it!

Putting it all together means never accepting no as the final answer. Do not let disappointments stop you from your dreams. It is essential to get back up and keep moving towards your goals.Β  This is what being tenacious is all about. Being tenacious does not mean that you are being rude. It means that you are being patient, resourceful and able to adapt to situations.

So, what does grit mean to you? Do you have it?

Choose to be Happy

Choose to be Happy

πŸ˜€We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have the right to pursueπŸƒ happiness. Well, happiness can be elusive for some people😞.Β  With happiness, the closer you get to it the more elusive it becomesπŸ˜’.

Happiness is a matter of perspective

Happiness is also a matter of perspective. It really depends on how you’re looking at things. You may have had a dream of acquiring or attaining something that you thought would make you happy. But as you accomplished your goals you may have found that they did not quite make you happy.

It was probably exciting when you first accomplished your goal but then you realize that the feeling did not last long. You may have been excited to purchase a car, furniture, jewelry, or article of clothing. Then you realized it was not so satisfying.

One important choice is choosing to have the right perspective😎. It begins with having the attitude of gratitude. There are many things that we have that do not seem to be fulfilling anymore. There are people out there that would dream to have the things that you take for granted. Happiness is dependent on your choices.

Yes happiness is a matter of perspective. We should remind each other to be grateful for what we already have. Counting our blessings every evening puts our thoughts in the right mindset.

Happiness is affected by movement

Happiness much like the rest of our emotions can be affected by movement. Moving your body πŸ˜ƒπŸ’•πŸ’ƒ in all different directions not only stretches your body but it expands your mind πŸ™† as well. Emotions are not logical and it may be difficult at times to change them with just your thinking alone. Emotions are heavily affected by motions.

Starting off your day by exercising in the morning can be very beneficial and helpful in regaining and maintaining happiness. The key to exercise is being able to breathe deeply and moving in every direction. Choose to be happy on the daily by having an attitude of gratitudeπŸ™, counting your blessings, and moving and breathingπŸ’¨ correctly.